Get Healthy for the Holidays
The holidays are about joy, connecting, giving … and indulging.
The food is scrumptious, and we are drawn to toasting our many blessings. Our family rituals often include late hours, overeating and drinking, and disrupting our usual rhythms and patterns of lifestyle. All this revelry tends to generate holiday stress, physical, chemical and emotional stresses from the challenges of the season.
Carrying packages, moving furniture or decorating might increase your physical stress – cookies and candy could create chemical stress – the pressure of planning a party or deciding on gifts may generate emotional stress – and the total effect can be an anxious, difficult pre-holiday experience. Amazingly, according to a study, 80% of people stated that they find the holiday season somewhat or very stressful.
If you feel holiday stresses, here’s a game plan to help you cope. It’s simple but effective. Sweat the fundamentals. Stay hydrated. Get enough rest. Breathe. Get outside a little, even if it’s cold. Move around. Keep a good attitude. Don’t overdo it.
And if the stress is really getting to you, visit your family chiropractor – you’ll find that in minutes you’ll be feeling like yourself again, ready to get back in there, solve problems and make everything work out.
In fact, it’s better if you don’t wait until stress is eating at you – get a check-up for you and your family, and have the best chance of a healthy happy holiday! And remember, you can give the gift of health – help a loved one by sharing your experience with chiropractic and encouraging them to try it for themselves.